Musical Director

Kerrie Polkinghorne

Vocalize founder and MD Kerrie Polkinghorne has been involved in music of some description since her childhood, playing the flute, saxophone, cello, keyboard
and singing. She's been a choir geek since she can remember - even one of her childhood birthday parties was a choir gig! Kerrie's first choral directing experience was in 1998 when she started a church choir whilst still at high school.

In addition to qualifications in teaching and performing arts, Kerrie completed a Bachelor of Music with First Class Honours on Classical Flute, and has worked as an instrumental tutor and classroom teacher in secondary settings. Kerrie is the Choral Director at Woodville High School, one of the four Special Interest Music Centres in the state. She served as co-chair of the South Australian Choral Network and is a member of the Elder Conservatorium Chorale. 

Kerrie's vision is to see members of the community draw together in order to build confidence, blend musically, develop technical skills and musical understanding, and above all, to have a hoot of a time doing it.

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